Occupational Health & Hygiene Award

In partnership with:

Red OHMS Group


The Occupational Health & Hygiene Award acknowledges and recognises the positive contribution of an individual or organisation to an initiative for risk elimination or mitigation of an occupational health and industrial hygiene related physical hazard in a workplace.  

Occupational health and hygiene related physical hazards include exposure to poor ergonomics, noise, light, dust, pressure, radiation, vibration, extremes of temperature, chemical and biological hazards, as well as inadequate breathable atmospheres.  

Without adequate risk management, worker exposure can lead to acute or chronic illness and disease resulting in significant personal and financial impact for workers and significant risk for employers.      


The selection criteria for this award include the following:  

  1. The nature and features of the occupational health and hygiene initiative and its relevance or usefulness to WHS. 
  2. Attributes of the design, development, implementation, monitoring review and improvement of the occupational health and hygiene initiative.  
  3. The benefit or improvement in occupational health that the initiative addresses or achieves, including potential benefits or broader industry or general application.   


Entry to this award is open to all individuals, businesses and undertakings that operate in Western Australia, including the corporate, government, not-for-profit and community sectors.  

Individuals and business entities being nominated for this award must provide written permission for the nomination and for its use in WHS Foundation promotional materials.   


Submissions must include a clear written summary addressing the selection criteria below. (Up to 500 words in MS Word or PDF). However, to compliment the written submission, applicants are encouraged to also submit a short video (max 3 minutes) and additional supporting material including: documents, photographs, video / audio, web links or other relevant information with their submission     


A judging panel comprising 3 to 5 judges will qualitatively assess applications against the criteria above and select a short list of award finalists. One winner from the shortlisted finalists will be determined that, in the opinion of the judging panel, best demonstrates achievement of the award category and criteria.  


Finalists will be notified in advance of the award ceremony. The winner will be announced at the award ceremony on Saturday 14 October 2023 at the gala event at the Astral Ballroom, Crown Perth.